
All About Allison Hartje

Allison is a beer enthusiast from Chicago with a background in creative writing. She is currently working toward her Cicerone level 2 and dreams of homebrewing the perfect sweet stout. You can catch her sipping lagers on patios all year round and occasionally sharing her love and knowledge of the beer community with the world.

Top Content From Allison

The Three Best Beer Tap Systems

Posted by Allison Hartje, June 3, 2021

Updated: 2/3/22

I’m sure I’m not alone in that when I’m out for a beer at a bar or brewery, I want something on draft. It’s a special experience to watch a beer poured with a perfect head then slid across the bar to my grasp. This feeling is why many people open bars and breweries in the first place — along with the love for the beer industry and craft beer.

In order to make the right decision for how to best serve up a frosty one at your venue, you have to know the pros and cons of different tap systems.

Whether you’re looking to install a totally new system, or upgrade your existing taps, there are a few options that range in monetary and spacial cost. The three systems we’ll be diving into are: the kegerator, direct draw, and long draw tap systems.

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